Genesis 31

Genesis 30 has set up the scenario that we see executed in Genesis 31. Jacob has heard from the Lord about where he should be, and if he should still be living under Laban (his father in-law). He is told to go to the land of his father, and in confidence Jacob decides to go. He brings Rachel and Leah with him, the livestock he has taken care of, and all of his possessions and leaves. 

This stirs up a lot of angst and anger between Laban and Jacob, but not JUST because he left, but because of what his wife took with them. Rachel has stolen the gods that Laban worshipped, and Laban wants them back. A culmination of 20 years of anger, the stolen idols, and leaving Laban’s house has resulted in a complete separation of Jacob from Laban. 

In obedience, Jacob decided to go to the land of his father’s and settle there just like the Lord asked him. He knew the repercussions of him leaving, and that it would cause disruption in his relationship with Laban, but God blessed Jacob in the midst of that. 

It’s easy to say yes to God, but it’s hard to actually do it. We start to understand the risks and sacrifices that come with obedience and it’s scary. Rightfully so. Although, just like Jaocb saw the life God was preparing for him in his departure from Laban, we can trust God in the seasons of change He is bringing to our lives. Today, bring your fears of obedience to God. Pray that He would give you boldness and strength, and that He would build trust in you! 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Genesis 32-33


Genesis 30