Living as Exiles

John 15:19-25

“If you belonged to the world it would love you as it’s own.”

When I first decided to follow Jesus, my family was not happy. Understandable because my conversion was quick and unexpected, but I remember early on in my faith having to make a decision to “identify” with my family or “identify” with Christ and it’s a painful choice every time. It started off dramatically, my family accusing me of choosing church over them, asking me to move closer to them and leave the community I had come to love. I remember at one point, I had to tell a family member that if they couldn’t accept me being a Christian, then our relationship could never grow. These days it seems more like the elephant in the room. I am left out of certain trips because I’m not as “fun”. They make comments about how we spend our time and raise our son. There have been SO MANY times where I have just wanted to shove Jesus in the closet and say “I’m still here! I’m the same me! I can still belong!” But we all know that’s not true. 

God lays it out plainly in verse 19, “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it’s own.” Because of my new identity in Christ I am different. I don’t belong anymore. Philippians 3:20 explains it perfectly, “We are to live as exiles. Our citizenship is in heaven.” Another word for exile is to banish or expel. In a lot of ways we as Christians, should expect to live as if we have been banished from our old lives. Sounds dreamy right?

This isn’t the end for us however. Our hope is in heaven. We have been made new in Christ, and one day, we will be with Him in a place where there is no pain, hardship, suffering or persecution. There will be plenty of moments in this life where we will want to hide away and please the world, but please brothers and sisters, keep your eyes on Jesus the founder and perfection of your faith and victory will be yours.

As you process places in your life where you may be prone to people please, or want to conform to the world, take some time to pray for those people/scenarios in your life. 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Full of Faith


A Broken Spirit