Leaders of the Bible: Nehemiah

Nehemiah 1:1-8, Nehemiah 2:2-6, 18, Nehemiah 6:15,16, Nehemiah 13:30-31

Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the king, which to us may sound like a lowly position, drinking from the king's cup everyday hoping it’s not poison? No thanks. But for Nehemiah this was a great honor that gave him great influence. To be in this position, the King had to trust Nehemiah with his life. This allows Nehemiah to have a unique influence that God wanted to use for His glory. Nehemiah was a man of character. He was honest, trustworthy, persistent and prayerful. From beginning to end, Nehemiah never neglected to ask the Lord for help. If ever there were a phrase to represent Nehemiah’s life it would be, “what’s God saying to me, and what am I going to do about it.”

In huddle each week we ask our peers this question, but I hope that through reading Nehemiah’s story we see that this is a question we should be asking ourselves in every situation. We may not have the same political influence as Nehemiah, but we do have influence with our roommates, friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, kids and community members. How do we use that influence? And maybe more importantly, who are we being influenced by? 

Nehemiah was deeply rooted in the Lord. He knew how to talk to Him. She shared all his fears, hopes, dreams, hurts and talents with the Lord. He listened to God’s word and he responded with obedience. 

As you process today take time to think about what God’s been saying to you through His word and how you are going to respond. If you aren’t sure what he’s been saying, think about what has been influencing you and make a plan to daily be in God’s word.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Leaders of the Bible: Isaiah


Leaders of the Bible: Solomon