Jesus Walking on Water

Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-56, John 6:16-21

The story of Jesus walking on water is one that we hear often, remember what happens, and end up glossing over it. The disciples are in a boat, a storm falls upon them, Jesus walks on water and stops the storm. It seems like that’s all there is to it, but Jesus’ divine power is revealed to us as we look deeper into this story.

After the feeding of the 5,000 Jesus sent his disciples ahead of him in a boat to cross a body of water, similar to a lake. They had been traveling for hours, alternating sleep and watch shifts. Jesus met them in the middle of the water, standing firm as if solid ground was beneath him. The disciples responded in fear, saying that Jesus was a ghost (Matt. 14:26). But Jesus simply responded with familiar words: “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid” (Matt. 14:27).

What exactly does Jesus mean here? Immediately we must ask God and seek scripture for the answer.

In Exodus chapter 3 God speaks to Moses through a burning bush. Moses, understandably, initially responds with fear. A bush is not only on fire in front of him, but it is also speaking to him. I would be afraid too! But the Lord responds with an ask; He asks Moses to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt. He goes even further by saying “I AM WHO I AM…say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” God uses the phrase “I AM three times within one single verse. These occurrences are all forms of the Hebrew verb ‘to be.’ They each relate to the divine name Yahweh (the Lord). This can also be translated as “I will be.” And given the context of the prior verses, it can be translated as “I will be with you.” Within this interaction between God and Moses, God is reminding him that He will continue to be faithful to His people (Student Study Bible).

As we look at these stories side by side, Jesus walking on the water and the burning bush, we can now understand what Jesus means in verse 27. Understanding what God meant in Exodus allows us to understand exactly what Jesus meant by saying “it is I.” A storm was surrounding the disciples’ boat and they see a man standing on the water, but Jesus tells them that he will be with them. That he will be with them, both in that moment and every moment after that. 

So, why does this matter? What is the point of including this interaction between Jesus and his disciples in scripture?

Because Jesus is divine and powerful! He is not only literally walking on water but he is promising to be with his disciples. He is making the same promise that God made to Moses so many years prior.

This truth is something we can still cling to today. Although we may face different hardships than the original twelve disciples, we are still in need of the same God. We are still offered the same gift of God’s provision! We can ask freely for His help and guidance knowing that He will be by our side no matter what.

But we all know that trusting Jesus is much easier said than done. But what if it wasn’t? What if we asked Jesus each morning to remind us of his power. The same power that raised him from the dead! He has not lost power over the years, he has remained the same King.

How do we live each day knowing that Jesus is the great and powerful King?

Why is it hard for you to believe that Jesus is the great ‘I AM’?

Pray to Jesus and ask him to give you a heart that deeply believes in who he was, is, and will always be: a divine King appointed by our Father!


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