Parable of the Rich Fool

 Luke 12:13-21

It’s easy to read that parable and to think, “God doesn’t want me to store up anything,” which translates to us not having a savings account or retirement. But that is not what Jesus is talking about here. He is talking about the root of selfishness that manifests in storing things unnecessarily. 

Have you ever seen A Christmas Carol? The main character Scoorge, a man who is outrageously rich, stores up everything. There is a scene where his workers come to ask if they could start a fire in the middle of winter! He is hesitant because it costs money. That is what Jesus is warning us about. We store things up for God’s glory - we see this in the story of Joseph. He helped Pharaohs prepare for famine by storing what they were growing in abundance. In the end, it saved lots of people, and it even brought reconciliation between Joseph and his family.

Saving or storing must be out of a heart that is stewarding our things for God’s glory, not out of anxiety or pride. Do we trust that God provides, and do we believe God has given us everything to be used and stewarded to display the gospel? 


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