Psalm 42

I think we can all say we have days where we feel similarly to the way David is expressing in Psalm 42. Whether we lost someone close to us, are stressed about school, or just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, we experience hard times, especially as we enter into the cold and dark season of winter. But what I really want to focus on is David’s desire for God and God alone. 

Amidst David sharing his sufferings, twice in this Psalm he says, “Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God” (vs. 5,11). David is not complaining, but sharing his pain with the Father while also continuing to praise Him. I can struggle with this. Oftentimes I go to my husband, friends, or even huddle and grumble about how life is hard and yet forget to bring it to God and praise Him even still. We’ve been given the glorious gift through Jesus in that no matter how hard or scary or depressing our life is, God promises to wipe away our tears and make all things new when we are eternally in His presence (Revelation 21:3-5). We can be reassured that the God of the universe, who created us uniquely in His image loves us because of His great love of sending His son Jesus to die in our place. We can know that God never leaves us through His promise that He has given us the Spirit… God’s living Spirit dwelling in sinners who have declared Jesus as Lord and Savior. How incredible is that!

My prayer lately has been to wake up with a thirst for the Lord. That I would wake up each morning with an excitement to spend time with my friend Jesus. I pray that a greater excitement than that of Christmas morning would wash over me. That I would praise God for giving me breath and another day to glorify Him. I pray against the enemy’s temptation to grab my phone and check social media or to sleep in, not allowing myself time to spend one on one devoted time with my Father first thing in the morning. 

This Psalm has been made into an old Hymn called “As the Deer.” If you want to listen to it I suggest the version by Steffany Gretzinger. The song repeats the line “You alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship Thee.” May God be our heart’s sole desire. May we long to worship Him throughout the day. May we thirst for Him as a deer thirsts for water.

Pray and ask God to give you a longing for Him.

Reflect on all God has done for you and continues to do. Ask Him to give you a heart dependent on Him and Him alone.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Psalm 91


Psalm 46