Jehovah Shalom

Judges 6:1-24

When it comes to being in the midst of challenging situations our responses are typically on a spectrum from fear to peace. We might respond in fear and insecurity about the situation. We might see it through the lens of having peace, typically due to a sense of control or understanding. I don't know about you, but my initial reaction can tend to be that of fear or being unsure at the very least, it isn’t until I have had time to think it through or feel in control that a sense of peace comes. There is a temptation to live in fear or peace based on my ability or sense of control. Can you see what's wrong with that? That heart posture is self dependent and apart from God. In this passage we gain understanding that no matter what happens when we have God we can have peace. 

Let's dive into the passage and see how Gideon might be going through the same process we usually do. 

To set the scene, Israel has been disobedient to God and as a result God gave Israel into the hands of Midian. Midian has been oppressing the Israelites by laying waste to their land and possessions. The situation we want to focus on is Gideon’s actions before, during, and after his interaction with the angel of the Lord. 

Before the angel of the Lord came to Gideon he was hiding wheatgrass so the Midianites would not find it. This tells us that he was prematurely acting out of fear of the Midianites. 

The interaction between Gideon and the angel now begins. The discussion points out that Gideon doubts God is with him, doubts that he could help save Israel, and even puts the angel to the test to see if he is who he said he was. Gideon is again operating out of fear and doubt. 

The angel indeed does prove that he is from God and therefore validates all of the things that he said about God being with Israel, with Gideon, and empowering them to be able to take a stand against the Midianites. The Lord speaks to Gideon telling him to have peace and to not fear. Gideon has now been given the opportunity to walk away from fear, to have a hope for the future, for a chance against the Midianites.

In verse 24, Gideon highlights the solution to the problem. He exclaims “...The Lord is Peace..”. 

Jehovah Shalom, The Lord is Peace. 

Gideon now understands that no matter what the circumstance is he has God on his side, God is for him, will provide for him, and guide him. The Lord is Peace, He is Jehovah Shalom. This completely changes the way we see Gideon walk through life for the rest of the chapter in his fight against the Midianites. He is at peace, bold, and confident knowing that the Lord who is Peace is on his side. What a beautiful change in heart. 

By this story we know that the Lord is Peace. He is Jehovah Shalom. But do you act like it? Do you perceive the Lord as your peace? Take a few moments to reflect on if you truly believe this. If you struggle to believe it, wrestle with this truth. The Lord is Peace, Jehovah Shalom, it is a gift to us to live in this truth. Fight to live in this truth. Praise God. 


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Jehovah Tsidkenu


Jehovah Mekadesh