
Luke 1:26-38, 46-55, Luke 2:1-7, John 19:25-27

Knowing Jesus’ purpose to bring redemption to the world, when I read about Mary’s story, I often forget what it might have felt like for her to get the news that she would give birth to the Son of God. Mary was chosen to give birth to Jesus, but what came along with that? Surely Mary feared her fiancé may not believe her and that he would leave her. She most likely feared the scorn she would receive being pregnant out of wedlock. She was probably afraid when they couldn’t find a place to stay, and she had to give birth in a barn. 

Mary was chosen to play a glorious role in God’s plan for redemption, but that came with significant difficulty and suffering. Mary watched her child die the most gruesome death one could fathom, yet her faith remained the same, “I am the Lord’s servant; may your word to me be fulfilled.”

The story God writes for us may not be what we would have chosen for ourselves, but as we process today’s scripture, would we hold our hands open to God and trust whatever He may have for us? We have a good, good Father who knows us intimately. He is keenly aware of our pain and will use our suffering to bring Him glory. Would we be people who suffer with Christ rather than giving into the fleeting pleasures of sin?

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18)

Is there something God has been asking you to do that you have been too afraid to say yes to? 

How can you take a step in obedience this week?


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Mary Magdalene

