Exodus 39

Exodus 39

Reading this chapter can seem boring, unimportant, and maybe even uninspiring. We may want to skim through it or just ahead, until we stop and realize why it matters.

So why does it matter? This chapter matters because, just like every other chapter in the Bible, these are God’s words! Every single word in the Bible is intentional and purposefull and spoken by God through chosen people to carry a message to the people of the time it was written and to be preserved so that you and I can read it today.

God was intentional in the way He asked His people to make the priestly garments. It may seem excessive or unnecessary but everything had a unique purpose so that it could be presented as “Holy to the Lord” (Edodus 39:30). Because our God is holy and because we are broken, everything must be presented as holy to the Lord or it can’t be presented at all.

This is where Jesus comes in. Just like God had intention behind how the priestly garments were made, He had intention behind Jesus being born of a virgin, in a lowly stable. He had purpose behind Jesus waiting until the right time to make Himself known to the world as the Son of God. Intentionality was woven into every aspect of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, burial, and resurrection. It was a part of God’s design plan to have Jesus live a sinless life, die on our behalf, and be risen on the third day defeating death so that we could be covered in his righteousness and stand before Him, being presented as holy. 

When you read this chapter or another chapter that seems irrelevant, stop and think about how this was relevant to the people who heard these words at the time. How important it was for them to heed these words wisely to be obedient to God’s plan. Then think about these are God’s words. Marvel over the fact that God’s words which were spoken to His people thousands of years ago are still preserved for us to read and be reminded of His purpose and intentionality behind all things. 

At the end of the chapter we see that the people had done exactly as God commanded them and that Moses was pleased and blessed them (Exodus 39:43). They listened to God’s very words and acted in obedience. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are caled according to His purpose.” Let us be a people who hear God’s words through scripture, prayer, and worship and walk in obedience knowing that His words are intentional for our good and have purpose for our life.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Exodus 40


Exodus 38