Genesis 26

Have any of you heard the song “Father Abraham”? It mentions that he has many sons and Genesis 26 focuses on one specifically named Isaac. Isaac was going to be blessed because Abraham obeyed the Lord’s voice, commandments, and laws. Even though the land that Isaac and his wife Rebekah lived in was going through a famine, they still were able to be fruitful and dwell in the Land of Gerar. I think something to be noted here is that famine doesn't just happen. There are environmental or political factors that lead to famine such as drought, war, or crop failure. So it’s safe to say that this land that Isaac is dwelling in has been through some stuff, and yet he is still obedient to stay. In his obedience, his crops grow immensely, he has livestock, and is able to keep servants. 

When the King of the land they are dwelling in (Abimelech) asks them to leave, they go to the Valley of Gerar where Abraham once dug wells for spring water. Wells were ESSENTIAL to life. For their own livelihood and the livestock they had, it was a necessity to dig wells so they could live in the valley. It was hard work, and they needed to put effort into it, but they were lucky that Abraham started the work years ago. I think this is a sweet parallel for us. The work that has been put forward generations before us, has helped us in the mission and pursuit of Jesus we have today. God has made a way through other people’s stories for your life to be the way it is now. I’ve heard story after story about how someone went to another place (city, state, country, continent) and the gospel was shared with someone, and it didn’t really stick. Years later, someone else meets that same person, shares the Gospel with them, and they decide to follow Jesus! The work that someone did years ago, was coming to fruition now. That is a great hope to remain in during seasons of sewing and not seeing the fruit of the work you are putting in. Just like how Abraham’s work didn’t see immediate results, you may be doing work that someone else can complete in the years to come. Humble yourself to remember that God wants to do a great work through you, even if you don’t get to see the result. Ask God to give you endurance in the mission he has given us, pray that He would do a great work through you for His glory. 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Genesis 27


Genesis 25