Genesis 36-37

I recently watched the video made by the Veggie Tales on the life of Joseph. They displayed Joseph as an innocent, kind and amazing young child who did nothing wrong and that his brothers were these terrible people. Maybe this is the way you have seen the life of Joseph explained to you as well but if we look closer into the text we can see this is far from who Joseph was. It is important to recognize Joseph as a spoiled young 17 year old. He was most favored by his father Jacob, he was given a special robe and while his brothers worked hard on the field, Joseph  was in the home relaxing. It would be another thing if Joseph carried himself with humility but he does the exact opposite and carries himself with pride. He is quick to give bad reports about his brothers and rub it in their face that his dream displays that they will bow down to him. Joseph is not a person anyone wants to have around in their circle of friends. 

In Matthew 7:6, Jesus says “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you..”. We should make it a priority to memorize this and imprint it in our heart. The things that God gives to us if not presented in the right way will just enhance the anger people already have towards us. Joseph should have thought more about how this would look to his brothers, especially in a society where the youngest is seen as the least and the oldest is exalted. Joseph's dream was one that was a threat to not just his brothers but the societal way of living.

Take a look at verse 11 “ And his brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the saying in mind.” Jacob understood the possibility that Joseph’s dream could be correct because he has seen this play out before. Ishmael was the oldest and yet promise went to the younger Isaac (Jacob’s father). Esau should have received the blessing but it went through Jacob (youngest). Jacob knows this is a real possibility. If Joseph had approached his dad with humility, Jacob could have helped him understand this rather than keeping it to himself. 

The way we carry ourselves amongst those God has brought in our life is very important. Pray that God would help you walk with humility as you live out the calling that He has for you. 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Genesis 38


Genesis 35