Serving Others

John 13:1-17

As a people we love to be served. We love to go out to eat or order in so that we don’t have to cook, we love shopping online and having the package delivered straight to our door, we love going to church and hearing something that will cheer us up. Does this ring true with you?

I know for myself I especially love to be served when I feel like I deserve something. As a leader in the church I feel like I deserve to be celebrated and acknowledged; as a mom I feel like I deserve to be appreciated. The truth is I don’t deserve to be celebrated, acknowledged, or appreciated any more than I deserve a new life in Christ. 

Jesus coming as a baby born in a stable to a lowly family, being raised as a carpenter's son, and ultimately bleeding out on the cross for all of humanity was also the King of the world. He deserved to be born to a king in a castle, praised and worshiped, and quite honestly He deserved to never stoop down to our level and walk as a human on earth, yet He chose us.

Matthew 28:20 says, “even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Although a rightful Ruler, God chose to serve us by sending us Jesus, the only way, truth, and life (John 14:6). And Jesus being a rightful King chose to be sent toward us as a servant. 

Not only is it a benefit to us that God chose to serve us by sending Jesus, but it is the only way! We would be nothing apart from Jesus. Acts 17:24-25 says, “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since He Himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.” Did you catch that last word? Everything! God gives us life and breath and everything! 

Humbly God created the world and gave us each breath, knowing that we would one day need a rescuer that only He could fulfill. Humbly He gave His life as a ransom on the cross once and for all, knowing that we would continue to sin and deny Him. Humbly He gave us His Spirit so that we would never have to walk alone and the same death defying power could dwell in us. 

And he gives life abundantly! In John 10:10 Jesus tells us that, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” We can know that no matter what fear, grief, pain, and suffering we can experience in this life God offers us an abundant life in Him. And He asks us to love Him and serve others. 

If we are to be like Jesus then we are to step off the throne we’ve put ourselves on and serve others. We serve God by serving others. And there is no greater joy than serving God.

Allow Jesus to wash your feet clean and then faithfully serve others the same kind of love.

Is there an area in your life where you feel entitled to be served? Why do you think that is and what truth are you going to lean on today?


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