Nehemiah 6, 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, 2 Timothy 1:7

Opposition is expected when we are doing the Lord’s work. The world hates God (John 15:18-25), and we are basically promised that persecution will come. What Nehemiah is experiencing in this chapter is just that. Others are opposing his work even though he knows he has been commissioned by the Lord to do so. 

Living on mission is scary. We are called out of our comfort zone into the waves to follow Jesus. In these moments we have two choices. We can cave into our fear, or we can continue walking forward in confidence. Nehemiah knew people were saying untrue things about him. He could have easily stepped away, discouraged and disillusioned, but he didn’t. He asked the Lord to strengthen his hands. He pressed on. 

When someone comes against you, how will you respond? 

We have not been given a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind. Press on brothers and sisters, fear is a lousy master. You are made for more, and in Christ you can accomplish all that God has made you for. 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Nehemiah 7


Nehemiah 5