Ideas For Your Stimulus Check

By: Josiah Cagle, Resonate Bozeman

The United States has passed a new stimulus bill that will put money in the hands of Americans by the end of this month. Most of us will see a check of $1,200 per person ($2,400 per couple) directly deposited into our accounts. The question becomes, as believers, what should we do with this check? Everyone has a different situation and the right to make their own decisions about what to do with this money. We simply wanted to provide a few ideas for what you could do. We ask that regardless, you would pray and ask God for wisdom in what to do with it. 

Idea 1: Invest

Giving to God what is already His is called tithing, and must be talked about with our income. Would you consider giving a percentage toward the kingdom of God by tithing? Would you trust that God is still moving and wants to use our church and the resources He allows us to have Kingdom impact even in the midst of Coronavirus? Would you trust that your tithe is an investment into the Kingdom of God?

Idea 2: Give

In an extension of the first idea, as a Kingdom investment, would you consider giving to those around you who need it? I’m sure at this point you know someone who has either had their hours cut or lost their job altogether. Would you consider giving to those in need around you? Consider giving to someone or something in your community that is in need. Maybe you don't even know them personally, but you recognize the need and could reflect the love of Christ by giving.

Idea 3: Save

There is a lot of uncertainty as to what even the next few months could hold for all of us with this virus and the necessary closing of most businesses. It could be helpful to ensure some level of cushion in case of emergency depending on how much you already have set aside for that purpose out of your regular income. No matter your age, we are called to be wise stewards of our income. Plan to have some set aside to spend or give later as the need of others around you increases. 

Idea 4: Spend

We are all a part of the economy and not only working to keep it going but also spending to keep it going. These checks, from the perspective of the government, are for the purpose of helping our economy maintain some level of health amidst Coronavirus. Therefore, it could be helpful to set aside a chunk to actually spend on your local economy (restaurants, retail, tipping higher amounts, etc.) Basically, there is no guilt or shame in setting aside a chunk to spend on needs and certain desires right now. 


What you do with this money is ultimately between you and God. We are praying that God would receive all the Glory in how we live and operate as citizens of a different Kingdom while on Earth. Again, consider any or all of these ideas as ways you could spend your stimulus check.

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 - “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”


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