The Call to Pray for Our Enemies
Everyone is divided. Us against them. Him against her. Me against you. What if we laid down our defenses and instead of furthering the divide with hate, we closed it with love? Jesus tells us to love our enemies, we wanted to give some practical steps on how to do that.
What Does It Mean To Be An Ambassador For Christ?
In our current environment, the news, social media, and conversations are filled with the views of different political parties. Who represents us the best? The bible tells us that we, as Christians, have come to be the ones who represent the kingdom, not this world. It is here where we explore how to be Christ's ambassadors well.
Erasing Shame Through the Gospel
We all have felt the weight of shame in our lives. Yet, it's something we are all too afraid to talk about. In this week's blog we boldly confront the lies that shame tries to tell us and try to look at the truth of the Gospel instead.
The Secret to Being Content
Often we read the bible searching for the quick fix to our worries, but thankfully God doesn't give us such a thing. Tessa helps to point us back to what fills our life with contentment - the knowledge of who God is.
Why Conflict is Worth the Trouble
Conflict is inevitable, but what does God have to say about it? He says to pursue reconciliation. Kirsten shares practical steps in pursing the beauty of reconciliation.
A Journey Towards Joyful Grit
How do you keep going when it feels like you are continually being knocked down? Stephen shares how God was faithful through the long seasons of hard labor in church planting, sharing his wisdom on why its important to keep going - even when it feels too hard or too much.
He is Worthy to be Above All
To live a life worthy of the Gospel is to remember that the Jesus is worthy to live such a life. Our life is a continual reminder that Jesus loves us and the opportunity to tell Him "I love you too." This is the story of a group of people who moved across the world to a country actively working to oppress the Gospel and how they've geared their lives to live worthy of the Gospel.
Out of Hiding: How the Gospel Conquers Sin
Jesus is calling us to live in the light. Growing in maturity means digging deeper into uprooting our sins, pursuing Christ-likeness with humility and partnering with one another in repentance and grace. Matt Williams shares his own experience growing up in the Gospel and encourages the church to come alongside him in pursuing a life full of repentance and God's grace.
God Sees This Injustice - Deon’s Story
Deon shares his story of how injustice and racism have directly impacted his life. Through his story, Deon reminds us that there is a God who cares about His people who suffer from injustice and He calls His people to stand up and do justice.
A Simple Truth That Reshapes The Way We Live in Quarantine
We live in a world where busyness and noise are normal. This quarantine has brought us to a season of stillness and silence, but how can we sit and make the most of the stillness and silence? Here are some ways to help enjoy and get the most out of the stillness and silence!
Five Ways to Creatively Engage the Mission While Quarantined
Covid-19 had not changed or postponed, the Mission of Jesus has not changed, but how can we "go" when we are stuck in our houses all week? Here are 5 ways to help get the creative flows going in being missional while maintaining that 6 feet from your friends, family, and neighbors.
Obedient and Unafraid
In times of confusion and fear, we as a church can seek out ways to step up and be good news.
Goodness of God
In the midst of pain, suffering, and fear, many are wondering: can God be good when life is bad?
The Sovereignty of God
In time of stress and anxiety, the question we have to ask ourselves is, “Will I let my view of my circumstances shape my view of God, or will my understanding of God shape my view of my circumstances?”
How do you respond when we feel God calling you in a new direction? Do you listen, even if it might cost you everything?
Trusting God In Uncertainty
Where is God when things don’t go according to our plan? Read some thoughts on this idea and more from the front line of church planting in Canada.
Life On Mission After College: Lies I've Believed
There are many lies that can creep in after college as we strive to make disciples. One is that our vocations do not matter and we don’t have a role in the Church without a title.
Life On Mission After College: Imposter Syndrome
Do you ever feel like a fraud? The lies that hit once you graduate college (or any new transition) can be crippling. Here’s how to attack imposter syndrome head-on.
Life On Mission After College: From Campus to Workplace
How does a non-college student fit into the mission to reach campuses for Christ? Read here
Life On Mission After College: Questioning My Calling
There are many uncertainties that pop up after college. How does the enemy use comparison and doubt to keep us from living into our callings?