2 Samuel 22

Throughout the Bible we get to read Psalms and songs written by King David showing His immense love for the Lord. As we read David’s song of Praise today, there is much we can learn about God’s character and love for His people. 

In His song, David reveals many characteristics of God. He is a savior, worthy of praise, hearing, faithful, powerful, strong, perfect, pure, shrewd (to the devious), angry (against enemies). David calls the Lord his rock and his fortress. His deliverer and his stronghold. This song reads as one of the most intimate love letters.

My favorite part of David’s song is that you can see his deep trust in the Lord. In this song, David claims purity and righteousness, and that’s not because he has never sinned. We can read his anguish and lament over his sin in Psalm 51. No, what David is doing here is claiming the truth of God as his own, receiving the gift of grace and really believing that He has been made pure (Psalm 51:10). Through the Death and resurrection of Jesus we too get to replace our sin with purity, He no longer sees our sin. 

David praises God wholeheartedly because he knows he has been made right before God, and not on his own accord. When we really reflect on the gospel and understand the seriousness of our sin and the great gift of Christ’s death and resurrection, then we have no other option than to praise God too.

Praising God isn’t just something we have to do to make Him happy, it's the overflow of our hearts. When we praise God we get to: 1). Say thank you for who He is. Our God is good and kind, what a wonderful gift. 2). Focus our hearts on God. When we meditate on who He is, we are reminded of the wonderful relationship we get to have with Him. 3). Thank Him for all the generous gifts He has given us. 4). Thank Him that He desired a relationship with us enough to send Jesus to die on our behalf. 

We are made new in Christ. Even the biggest mistakes and regrets have been paid for on the cross. As you reflect on this today, write your own song to God. Praise Him for the wonderful savior that He is. 


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2 Samuel 23


2 Samuel 21