2 Samuel 24

As we conclude the final chapter in 2 Samuel, I think it’s helpful to revisit the poem/prayer that Hannah shared in 1 Samuel 2:


   “There is none holy like the Lord:

    for there is none besides you;

    there is no rock like our God.


    The bows of the mighty are broken,

    but the feeble bind on strength.


    The Lord makes poor and makes rich;

    he brings low and he exalts.

    He raises up the poor from the dust;

    he lifts the needy from the ash heap

    to make them sit with princes

    and inherit a seat of honor.

    For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's,

    and on them he has set the world.

Throughout the book of 1 and 2 Samuel, we see these same things prayed in Hannah’s poem come to fruition throughout Samuel, Saul, and David’s life. A poem that was a shout of rejoice in having her son Samuel lasts throughout the entire 2 books of Samuel. God’s sovereign power is displayed time and time again through God’s grace and justice in Israel and through David. God’s sovereign And there is truly no other like him - that’s what this book (and all other books for that matter) point back to. God is Holy, and because He is Holy he cannot sin but instead restores his creation to His holiness. 

God reduces the proud (through Saul) and uplifts the feeble to His strength (in David). And then finally in verses 7-8 we see how God can take nothing and make it into something. That He is not only a Father and King, but a Creator. This prayer that Hannah prayed, she never got to see on earth. Although, God is faithful to fulfill His promises. 

What prayers did you pray long ago that have been answered? What about the ones that haven’t? Reflect on how God is still good and still faithful, even when our deepest needs and prayers are unanswered. 


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2 Samuel 23