Song of New Joy

Psalm 30

Psalm 30 is a song that David sang at the dedication of his palace when it was completed. Throughout David’s life he experienced many “highs”, incredible victories and achievements because of God’s power, but He also experienced extremely dark “lows” where he became a murderer and liar. When His palace was finished, he sang this song of worship to the Lord because he recognized that his wealth and status were a direct result of the work of God rather than anything he had done (v.7). Therefore, in response to the goodness that he experienced from God, dedicated even his home to Him. This song directs all of the praise and glory back to God, because He is deserving of it all. 

The psalm starts with thanks, which is a helpful structure to follow with prayers and songs. We should also start with thanks for the ways that God has moved in and around us. Following thanks are some verses of “remembrance of His holy name” (v.4). David took time to remember what God had done and praised Him for it. 

Then, David gets to a beautiful and important part of this psalm, verse 5. 

“For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, 

but joy comes in the morning.”

This short verse gives us a reason to praise God, and a beautiful promise to cling to. Because God is good and just, He disciplines His people. The anger referred to in this verse is the just anger of a good Father whose children are constantly rebelling against Him. But, like any good Father, He does not stay angry for long. His anger is for a moment but His favor, or acceptance, is for life. For life. 

Then, the promise that comes after, is that in weeping, in times of trouble, there is always the coming promise of joy. When David says “Weeping may endure for a night”, he means that there is a time for weeping and suffering, but like we know and experience, night always comes to an end. With the end of the night comes the sun, bringing joy and light to everything it touches. Nights do not last forever, and we can trust that God will bring us joy, just as He brings the sun to rise every new day. David knew this to be true in His own life and it led Him to praise God all the more. 

As we close our devotional time today, I want you to spend some time thanking God for who He is and remembering what He has done in and around you. Like David, any “glory” or praise that is given to you when things go well in your life, is an opportunity to point back to God and give Him even greater glory (v.12). Even as you remember, I also want to recognize that maybe you are in a place where things do not seem to be going well. I would encourage you to cling to the promise of verse 5, that God is faithful to bring about joy just as surely as the sun rises every morning. This beautiful promise should lead us to worship God just as David worshiped God through this psalm. Because of this promise and so much more, God is worthy to be praised and we will give thanks to Him forever (v.12). 


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