
Matthew 6:16-18, Exodus 34:28, John 4:31-36

Fasting is one of the oldest practices of spiritual disciplines that we see displayed in the bible. Don’t believe me? We can see it all the way in Exodus 34:28 when Moses wrote the 10 Commandments! He prayed and fasted for forty days and nights, no bread or drink, and within that time wrote something that is relevant to our world today. 

Fasting is also seen in the New Testament too! When Jesus separates from his disciples and meets with the woman at the well and in Matthew 6 (what we are reading today), Jesus teaches specifically on fasting and the postures of our hearts when we fast.

Fasting is not about getting what you want or having to do it out of obligation but it’s about growing a deeper dependence on God. Matthew 6 talks about the reward you receive that no earthly praise could provide. When we fast, we get to surrender our earthly pleasures for heavenly ones, and we trust that reward is far greater than a plate of spaghetti (or steak or salad or whatever) could provide. When we break our fast, we get to praise God for how he has transformed us. 

Fasting is not about getting what you want, but who you become and how you trust God in the process. 

So I want to challenge you to choose a time during the day to fast. Pick it well ahead of time and prepare your schedule around it. Pray that God would use that time to transform you and change your heart for His glory. 


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