
Psalm 1:2, Matthew 4:4, John 4:31-38, Jeremiah 9:23-24

To study something is to understand it, to know it. When we study for exams, we are ensuring that the knowledge of the content of that class is in our brains, for when we are asked about it we can boldly answer. Studying God is more about answering questions, it is about knowing God so well that our lives are dedicated to living out his will. People should not have to ask us a question, but take a moment to watch us. Pharisees can answer questions, disciples live out the understanding and the knowledge of their God. God is about heart transformation which comes from being disciplined. To be a disciple means to be disciplined in understanding the ways of God. We see that in the life of Jesus - he knew his heavenly Father and he lived out his will. We see that in how he lived the perfect life, he studied God by knowing God. He lived out God’s will because he knew what God desired and he called up others to join him and emulate him. We spend our whole lives getting to know each other, knowing our families, spouses, and even ourselves, so why wouldn’t we want to spend our whole life studying an infinite God who is so much more than we could ever imagine?

Know your God. He knows you and his desire is not robotic tasks or haughty knowledge, but to boast in the intimate knowledge of your Creator God, the one you claim to be Lord of your life. How do we study God? We open his living breathing Word - daily. We become disciplined in knowing it, memorizing it, being in it constantly. When trials come, his word will be the steadfast truth you can lean on because it is the very thing that reminds you of the character of the Lord you follow. 

What is the thing that keeps you from being in his word daily? 

What prevents you from going deeper in study?

What rut are you in when it comes to daily habits of study and how can you ask for help?

We love to create resources for you. We pray that you would be a disciple who loves his Word because you love God. If there is more that we can do, send us an email at


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus



