
John 11:1-44

This passage has an interwoven storyline in which Jesus knows exactly what will happen. The story of Lazarus, in short, is about a friend of Jesus who dies, and after being dead for four days, Jesus raises him from the dead. This story is known for having the shortest verse in the Bible, Verse 35, ’Jesus wept’. Oof.

When this verse is talked about, it’s usually used to mention the fact that Jesus experiences human emotion like the rest of us. I think there is something to note about this verse in the context of what is happening around him. Not only is he weeping for the loss of his friend, but he is weeping with his friends. He is grieving with them. It’s deeply comforting to know that the God we know and serve is with us in our sorrow or pain.

As we continue to read, Jesus doesn't just sit in his pain but instead sees that joy is waiting. He raises Lazarus from the dead and further shows God’s glory while faced with pain. Lazarus being raised from the dead is a reminder that God is not finished, that death is not the end for us but gives us access to eternity with Him. He sees our lives when we walk away from him or in sin. Just as the death of his friend grieved him, he feels that same way about our transgressions. He cared and grieved so much about them that he DIED for them on the cross. Through the act of raising his friend from the dead and overcoming death himself, he gives hope that we don’t have to walk in brokenness but can experience life to the fullest through Him.

What encourages you about the story of Lazarus? What is God teaching you at this moment?


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