The Ascension

Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 24:35-50. Acts 1:1-11

The disciples had just been reunited with their savior! Imagine how joyful and comforted they must have felt to walk with Jesus after they had watched Him be murdered on the cross. Now imagine their confusion and fear when Jesus must leave again. How can they go on? How can they accomplish the work that Jesus asked them to do?

Lucky for us, Jesus’ ascension meant that the Holy Spirit would come to us (John 14:15-17) so that God would always be with us. Jesus ascending into heaven also proved His identity as the son of God and His eternal life. The story of Jesus’ ascension shows us the culmination of God’s identity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Spirit refers to God’s personal presence and energy that we can interact with on Earth.

The Son of Man (Jesus) gets exalted to the right hand of God. He comes to unite other humans with God.

God the Father is personal and relational. Throughout Jesus’ time on Earth, He experienced God as a source of infinite love.

Although it’s difficult to understand the idea of the trinity, the point of our faith isn’t to understand all of the things of God; the point of our faith is to know and be known by God so that we can experience His love.


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