Psalm 27

Psalm 27, Exodus 2:23-25, 1 Peter 3:12, 2 Timothy 1:7

Who here has felt afraid or lonely this last year? I know I have. As you read this passage and commune with the Lord this morning, know that you are among friends. Loneliness and fear are not uncommon amidst the people of God. However, fear can feel hard to embrace. We read in the bible, “Do not be afraid,” but what does that really mean?

God isn’t commanding us to cast away fear because we need to try harder or do better at being a Christian, but our loving Father calls us out of fear and loneliness because He has already wrapped us in His arms. Fear is a dark shadow that imprisons us within ourselves, and we all have fallen prey to this darkness at one point or another. Fear of rejection, misunderstanding, uncertainty, sickness and even death can wrap us in darkness that feels impossible to expel.

David is experiencing a trial in this Psalm, he is hurting, he is afraid and he has a truth to cling to that’s available to us today: God offers help for today and hope for the future. We are no longer slaves to fear. Our God brings salvation, our God promises to always be with us, and our God IS our light. It’s not our job to dig our own way out of the darkness, but our heavenly Father graciously lights the way.

What fear has been holding you captive? As you pray, remind yourself that “For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.”


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Psalm 136


Psalm 111