Psalm 118

Psalm 118

“The stone that the builders rejected

Has become the cornerstone.

This is the Lord’s doing;

It is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:22-23).

These are the worshipful words Jesus sings when He is mere moments away from His death (Mark 12:10-11).

This Psalms doesn’t have a clear author although most speculate that David wrote it based on the writings of his other songs. This is a song sung throughout time, including by Jesus, and in a way still sung today. This Psalm recognizes who God is and praises Him. The Psalmist praises God for who He is, what He’s done and will do, and also just for being God. 

God is described as being our strength, song, and salvation among many other attributes. As our strength, God is our refuge. He is one that we run to for our needs and in Him and Him alone do we find our satisfaction. As our song, God is our joy and peace; in Him alone, we find our purpose. As our salvation, we become fully reliant upon God. He is our creator and sustainer. He is our rest and our only means of rescue. In Him, we can trust in deliverance. 

What a beautiful gift. That God is our strength, song, and salvation. He is worthy of our praise and the Psalmist had that figured out. Jesus too gave praise to the Father in His last moments. Although Jesus was betrayed and about to be beaten, mocked, and brutally killed, He recalled this Psalm at the last supper. 

Jesus was the one rejected and yet became the cornerstone. And although He was rejected, it was the Lord’s doing. God allowed Jesus to be put to death because of His love for us and yet still Jesus praised Him.

How often do we praise God when things are going well and then question Him when we’ve been hurt, rejected, or experience a deep brokenness in our lives? How often do we forget to praise Him, acknowledging that He is still good, when we experience a loss, feel like we’ve failed, or watch someone we love go through so much pain? 

Jesus knew He was going to the cross. It was no surprise. He knew when He met Judas that he would later be betrayed by him, but still, Jesus lovingly welcomed him into His tightest-knit of close friends. Jesus knew that on the day He was praised for being called Hosanna as He rode into Jerusalem on that donkey that less than a week later He would mockingly receive a crown of thorns for His head. And yet he praised God for who He is.

I invite you to discover the attributes of God proclaimed in this Psalm. Meditate on God being our strength, song, salvation and so much more. Ask God to reveal Himself to you while you read this Psalm and praise Him for the good that He has done, is doing, and will do. Praise Him because he is God and worthy of our praise. Wake up and remember “this is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Psalm 110


Psalm 24