The Trial of Jesus

John 19:1-15

This passage paints a terrible scene in the story of Our Savior. Try to picture it: Jesus is bound, bleeding, His back completely torn apart, and there is a crown of thorns on His head that is digging into His skin, causing blood to run down His face. He is wearing a purple robe and is on a stage in front of a crowd that is screaming for His death. The Messiah, condemned by the very people He came to save. It is not a pretty picture, but let us sit in the injustice and sorrow of this moment to understand the gravity of what is happening.

As the passage continues, Pilate tries three times to release Jesus because He finds “no guilt in Him” (v.4). The religious leaders answer that because Jesus has “made himself the Son of God,” He must die (v.5). Pilate was somewhat sympathetic to Jesus because he saw an innocent man being accused, but he was too afraid of his own status with the people to stand up against them. Pilate knew that he had the authority to condemn Jesus, and he was reluctant to do it, so he tried one last time to question Jesus, searching for the truth of who He was.

In verse 11, Jesus breaks His silence and answers Pilate with a powerful truth. He says that Pilate has no authority unless it has been given to him by God. Jesus acknowledged the power that Pilate held as a judge and leader in the government but then went on to say that it only comes from God. This display of authority is incredible because it tells Pilate that Jesus is completely in control of even His own death. He knew that He would be beaten and mocked before the crowd, and He knew that they would scream for His death. Yet, He still went willingly to the cross. The authority of Jesus is more powerful than any human authority, and we can cling to that hope in this passage.

Jesus knew the pain and humiliation that He would endure, and as we will read, He still went willingly to the cross like a Lamb to the slaughter. He was killed on our sinful behalf and was raised three days later. The authority of Jesus was never in question, and He was crucified to fulfill the authoritative plan of salvation from God.

Do you trust the authority of God in your life? Today, reflect on the weight of what your Savior endured for you and praise Him for the gift of life that He bought on the cross.


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