Abbie Rommel

VILLAGE Coordinator |NETWORK team

I, like so many others who have come around Resonate, came to know Jesus in college. I grew up with an understanding that Jesus died on the cross for my sins but I didn’t quite understand what that meant. I thought that the “christians” were the holy people and I would always be the “sinner”.

It wasn’t until I came to WSU, where I finally began to understand what it meant to be loved and forgiven by Jesus. God met me in my sorority and continued to pursue me through classmates and friends during my time at WSU. As I spent time around people who had been really changed by Jesus, I noticed they had something in their life that I didn’t. I found myself longing for the joy and love they seemed so confident in.

At a women’s retreat in the spring of 2015 I gave my life to Jesus and that was it. In a single moment I understood that I was made in the image of God and He had a good purpose for my life. 

I spent that summer at Elevate where I learned about church planting and decided to move to Cheney, Washington to help Resonate plant at EWU the following year. During that year, I began feeling drawn toward vocational ministry and came on staff full-time the summer of 2016. I believe so much in what God is doing through our church. I know that He wants to do something radical through the lives of college students, because that’s what He has done through mine.

I spent the next few years learning what it looks like to make disciples and getting to watch as God win hearts and save lives. Being a church that plants churches, we started talking about sending a new church plant from EWU. As I began to pray for the new church and process life in Cheney, I realized that my life wasn’t about me, where I wanted to live, or where my friends were. My life was about Jesus, and He wants to see people saved. My husband and I decided to move with the new church plant and we have been serving in Pocatello, Idaho since 2018. 

God has richly blessed us. Church planting is not easy, and there are times when I miss the idea of a quiet and “normal” life, but if there is one thing I can tell you it’s that Jesus is better than any comfort and this is truly the best life to live.