We are committed to helping you learn what it means to live on Mission
Why We Live Sent
Our mission as an urgent, multiplying, collegiate church planting movement is to empower students to grow and go. As multiplication is happening quickly, we are mobilizing students to live sent lives. We believe that these serve, scout and overseas projects truly have lasting influence that leads to catalytic moments that then impact our entire church. Through the vehicle of these projects and of planting churches, we will embody our calling by Christ to live sent lives. Our hope is that students leave their trip with a fresh and renewed perspective of how they can live sent on their college campuses and into the future.

Resonate Global
A Thanksgiving YOU WON’T FORGET
Serve Trip
Serve trips are a great opportunity to grow in your relationship with Jesus. Grow in community as you provide ministry relief in different cities across the country. There are countless stories of people who have attended a serve trip and have grown as a disciple who makes disciples. Cities where you serve vary each trip that is offered.
Scout Trip
During a scout trip you will go to cities of current and future Resonate sites. While you are on this trip, you will be serving our church plants or do the research and relational groundwork in hopes that the church planting team can continue to make ground in their city! Help pave the way for Resonate's mission to plant churches in college towns across the Northwest.
During these projects, you will be brought out of your comfort zone and build relationships with your peers as you share the good news cross-culturally. You will learn to depend on the Lord, be challenged in new ways, and walk in a new evangelical confidence. Our hope is that you get to experience growth in sharing the good news of the gospel in different contexts of culture.
In a world of noise, there is no better priority than a holy disconnect in order to connect deeply with the one who is in control. Spend the week building deep relationships with a small group of people, unplugged together. Beyond the physical challenge, these trips will challenge you to tune out the world and tune in to what God is saying to you.
Elevate is a 5 week spiritual leadership project located in San Diego, CA. Since 2013, we have created an experience for students to learn biblical truths and practical skills in the context of Christian community. Our aim is to build a foundation of faith and leadership skills in each student’s life that equips them to be a lifelong follower of Jesus.
Want to plan a retreat or getaway of your own?
Invite your friends and getaway for a few days.