Find a Resonate Church on your campus
Join God where He is moving.
15 Churches in 7 States
From 1 church to 14, God has been faithful to move and change lives on the college campus.
See a church near you? We would love to meet you!
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Bellingham, WA
Western Washington University
Ellensburg, WA
Central Washington University
chico, ca
California State University, Chico
Salt Lake City, UT
University of Utah
Seattle, WA
University of Washington
Boise, ID
Boise State University
Moscow, ID
University of Idaho
Missoula, MT
University of Montana
Pullman, WA
Washington State Univeristy
Spokane, WA
Spokane Metro
Corvallis, OR
Oregon State University
Monmouth, OR
Western Oregon University
Reno, NV
University of Nevada, Reno
grand Junction, CO
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado State University