Our Story
Starting in 2006 with a handful of people in a local coffee shop (as any great Pacific Northwestern story begins) and a dream about what church could look like, Resonate quickly outgrew its humble origins. Officially launching as a church on August 19th, 2007, Resonate drew people in under the vision of being a body of Christ that connects the Gospel to people, people to community, and community to mission. From that first gathering at Schweitzer Event Center, where the demographic ranged everywhere from community members to students from University of Idaho, the Lord was laying the groundwork for the vision and legacy of becoming an urgent, multiplying, collegiate church planting movement. Over the last 14 years Resonate Pullman has had the privilege of sending out seven first generation church plants, and are eagerly looking ahead to our first fourth generation church plant. This has been accomplished by the passion to see disciples being made on campuses across the Northwest.
Currently we have two Pullman services, one on campus and one multi-generational city gathering. Looking back to the beginning to see where Resonate is now, and the future of Resonate, we cannot help but be humbled by the size and sovereignty of our God. Something we like to repeat often as a church in awe is the phrase “Only God.” Only God could have taken five people meeting at a coffee shop with the seemingly impossible dream of meeting 1,000 students to a network of churches spread out across the Northwest at 13 universities 13 years later. We are incredibly humbled that the Lord has chosen to use us in His mission and we are passionately and joyfully committed to taking His gospel to all the world. We firmly believe that we are called to be a sent and sending people, and are excited to see how God will continue to move in ways we could never imagine.
FIND Community
We believe that experiencing God is better together. We have opportunities for everyone to be a part of our community! Check out the list of campus villages & missional community groups below to get involved. We would love to have you growing in your relationship with Christ & learning more about God alongside us this year!
11AM | Daggy
Childcare Provided
Are you interested in learning more about Jesus? We would love to buy you a coffee, heart your story, and find how we can meet you where you are at in your faith. If you want to read more about our beliefs, simply click the link below or you can click the “connect” button at the top of the page.
Find your village!
Want to to make a donation that supports our efforts in reaching the WSU campus? It’s easy. Click the button to get started.
Meet our staff team
Chris Routen
Site Pastor
Alexandria Rollins
Church Manager
Gaard Anderson
Campus Multiplier
Jared Geier
Campus Missionary
Jacob Alvick
Pastor In Training
Jacob Leggett
Campus Missionary
Vivian Faustino
Campus Multiplier
Becca Leggett
Campus Missionary
Family Ministry Specialist
Community Development Staff
Ciarra Nolan
Community Development Staff
Benjamin Michaelis
Community Development Staff
Jennifer Willis
Community Development Staff