We don’t think we’re special. We just think it’s our turn.
Our Story
It all started in a little coffee shop in Pullman, WA…
Amongst the rolling hills of the Palouse, God was moving in the hearts of college students at Washington State University. A gathering of 5 people grew to 50. The ask presented at the end of each sounded like this; “If what we’re talking about resonates with you, please stick around”. As time went on and more and more students were beginning to experience Jesus, community began to grow and has ever since.
God has moved in the hearts of students to join the mission that God has for Resonate Church; be disciples who make disciples in order to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. From one site at WSU in 2007 to now 16 different sites across the Pacific Northwest and Canada, God has moved and worked in the hearts of families and students to grow closer to him and live for His mission. It’s exciting to see God move in such a tangible way and we are expectant of what is to come. We’re grateful for what God has done, but we press on knowing there is still much work to do.

Our Purpose
Our Vision
Connecting the Gospel to people, people to community, and community to Mission.
To create life-changing community with a world-changing purpose, all because of Jesus.
It’s our turn to join in on what God is doing across the Pacific Northwest to bring people together to worship, learn, and live like Jesus in our day-to-day lives. Jesus lived life with those who were far from him and we want to do the same. Learn more about our four lanes:
College is where you can make some of the best friends of your life. We desire to build community on college campuses that transforms and equips the next generation. To find a collegiate church near you, click here.
We are excited to expand outside the campus and be a blessing to our cities and communities. Community Churches will include family and kids ministries and help serve families in your city.
We want to empower you to own your small space and make disciples. Microchurches are a way where you can live intentionally towards those around you. Learn more.
We’re going GLOBAL! Coming in the next couple years we are excited to plant a new church in Reading, UK. Pray and consider how you can support this team as details start coming into place.