JUNE 22 - AUGUST 1, 2024

What is Resonate Global?

Resonate Global is a six week cross-cultural project that will challenge and encourage participants to live out the Great Commission so that we may reach all nations. We do this by sending to global cities, urban areas that are highly diverse in language and culture and are hubs for trade and finance. By the year 2050, it is estimated that two-thirds of the world’s population will live in a global city, and we as Resonate Church are joining in what God is doing in these cities.

Why Global Cities?

The Bible says in Matthew 28 to “Go and make disciples of all nations…”. We later see in Revelation 7 that one day there will be “A great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” God’s heart for the nations has been made clear throughout the entire Bible. New York City is a beautiful example of what Revelation 7 may one day look like: in New York City alone, over 800 languages are spoken, which makes it the most linguistically diverse city in the world. Similarly, in the city of London, we see 40% of the total population were born outside of the UK.

New York and London, as well as other global cities, are wonderful for participants of Resonate Global to make many cross-cultural connections while working alongside our ministry partners who work daily with unreached people groups living in global cities.

As students are exploring career options and thinking about their post-grad trajectory, we want to equip them to think like missionaries, whether they eventually land in a PNW city with a Resonate site, New York, Austin, or somewhere else in the world. The best training for this mindset happens when students experience what it’s like to start a church by building cross-cultural relationships in a new city.




New York is a unique city because it is home to SO MANY people from around the world. It felt that every corner we would turn, there was a new pocket of culture that totally encapsulated the block. It was incredible to experience so many different traditions in just one city!

Personally, going to New York helped me grow significantly in evangelism, dependence and awareness of the Holy Spirit’s guidance, prayer, and so much more.

My experience completely transformed the way that I now see both the world and the people in it. Now, I carry a lens that allows me to see the nations and Christ’s love for them in many aspects of my everyday life.

Ben Fleiss

I attended Resonate Global in the summer of 2019. I went because I watched fellow friends go the year before and wondered what it would look like to travel overseas. After coming back, the lord softened and excited my heart for sharing the gospel to reach all nations. It broke my heart that other countries don’t have the same freedom to know Jesus Christ that we do here in North America…


I ultimately decided to go to New York because I had been spending my time developing leaders as a staff member, but I realized that I still needed and desired my own personal development and to grow in having a heart for the nations. Going to New York really showed me the value of global cities. I spent the summer studying Islam alongside of my team and spending long hours walking around neighborhoods where I would be the only white, english speaking woman (or even woman with an uncovered head,) trying to share the gospel with whoever would talk to us. It was like everywhere we went I felt out of place, and it was so important for me to experience that discomfort and to see the lostness of our world up close, and grow in desire to share the gospel in circumstances like that. I left New York not only with a heart and burden for the nations, but I got to take back everything I had learned and apply it to the college campus! 

Jenny Hanna

Support Raising

In order to get to NYC and the UK this summer, we ask all students to fundraise their cost.

What is support raising?

The term “support raising” can have many connotations when you first see it. It implies that students will be asked to raise money to cover the costs of the trip. When we use the term, we are referring to so much more than financial support. Students are “raising” prayer support, emotional support and spiritual support alongside financial support.

Why do we support raise?

Support raising allows students to be sent by their families, friends and churches. Asking for support (both prayer and financial) helps get people involved in the student’s experience. It gives the student encouragement along the way, gives affirmation from the body of Christ and allows others to participate in God’s plan.


  • Deposit: March 10, 2024

  • Final Funds: May 21, 2024

Drop Date 

If a student chooses to drop from Resonate Global after March 17, 2024, they will be responsible for the cost of housing which has been contracted for them.