Psalm 46, 96 & 104

Memory Verse: Psalm 104:33-34 - “I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being. May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord.” 

Song: “Reason I Sing” by Phil Wickham

What stirs your affection for God? Singing? Being in nature? Being in community? Our joyful experiences on earth turn our attention to the eternal hope and joy that God promises.

As we reflect on these three psalms, we can clearly see the resounding theme of joy that echoes throughout all creation and humanity. The psalmist delights in God’s glory through his creation. Our joy is inherently connected to recognizing God’s glory and goodness. 

Psalm 46 begins with the comforting reminder that God is our refuge and strength; He is unwavering in times of trouble or turmoil. When crap hits the fan, we have joy because we still have God. It can be difficult to remember that joy is not contingent on our circumstances, and our joy does not come without challenges. When we remember that joy is not a fleeting emotion, we rest in the fact that joy is a confidence that we have in God and His promises. 

In Psalm 96, joy takes the form of worship. Worship is not just songs we sing; it is finding joy in glorifying God in every part of our lives. 

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a woman who let her life magnify the glory of the Lord. In Luke 1:46-47, she says 

“My soul magnifies the Lord, 

and my spirit rejoices in God, my 


This passage of scripture is called “Mary’s Song of Praise: The Magnificat.” Magnificat simply means, “My soul magnifies the Lord.” 

When we worship God, we get the opportunity to magnify the Lord and show the people around us just how great God is. Our worship is an outward expression of how great the Lord is, and He is glorified in the process. 

Psalm 104 uses beautiful descriptive imagery of God’s creation and his greatness. Every detail of creation shows the intricacy of God’s handiwork and his majesty. It’s wild to think that the God who created the mountains also created the veins on leaves or the tiniest snowflake. God’s creation shows his might and majesty and the intricacies of His character and design. 

God is praiseworthy. Just look at creation. Look at how He has transformed your life. Think about His sacrifice on your behalf. He has never left you. He is a refuge. When we understand that God is always praiseworthy and with us, we can experience a joy that defies circumstances. That is good news. 


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Psalm 33, 100 & 118


Psalms 66 & 97