God’s Glory Through Jesus’ Birth

Luke 2:1-21 

The beginning of the New Testament, for us, is just a turn of a page away from the last verses of the Old Testament, but not for the Jewish people of that time. In between that page turn is 400 years of silence from God. The Old Testament is full of prophecies about the coming Messiah, how he would come, what he would be like, and what he would do. That He will be born of a virgin (Is. 7:14) and born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). That he would be a wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, and prince of peace (Is. 9:6), and that with His wounds we would be healed (Is. 53:5). The Jewish people grew up hearing about Him, and all waited longingly for the one who was to come. Imagine the anticipation! Centuries of waiting, the last of those 400 years in silence, not knowing when the silence would end. Take a minute to really soak that in, try to imagine the internal anguish of waiting for the man that was going to save the world once and for all.

And now, the weary world that’s been waiting for centuries can rejoice in hope, because He is here. God Himself, wrapped in flesh. Emmanuel, God with us. Finally, He is here, Jesus our Savior. 

God was faithful to do what He had promised for hundreds of years, and is glorified greatly through the birth of Jesus. He is omnipotent - He is all powerful; He could have chosen any way to save His people. Yet, He chose to send baby Jesus, who would soon be the man that would heal us with His wounds. What does that say about our God? It illuminates many characteristics of God, but I always think that He is making it clear to us that He is a faithful, purposeful, merciful, and loving God. He was faithful to fulfill all that He had promised. He purposefully chose the timing of this. He wasn’t late to fulfill His promises, even though centuries of waiting probably felt like it. And with His love and mercy that He has for us, He broke the silence. Generation after generation of hearing about this wonderful Savior that was to come, and He came. 

The weeks leading up to Christmas can feel so loud. The hustle and bustle of shopping, the lights, the ugly sweater parties and family traditions. It’s easy to get lost in it all. I hope that in these final days leading up to Christmas we can take time to be still and remember what we’re actually celebrating. To center my heart on the true meaning of Christmas I always listen to Here Comes Heaven by Elevation Worship. It’s not a traditional Christmas song, but it helps me feel the gravity of His arrival. I would really encourage you to listen to the whole song, but here are a few verses.

Children weep no more, hope is on the horizon. Weary world behold, your promised Messiah.

Sinner wait no more, love has broken the silence. Come let us adore, the Savior is with us.

Now behold his glory, glory in the highest. All the earth rejoice for Christ is born.

Angels let your song begin. Here comes heaven. Christ is born in Bethlehem. Here comes heaven. 

Sin, darkness, mourning, waiting. Soon they would give way to the power of the death and resurrection of Jesus. And in the meantime, love, glory, light, song, hope, and celebration ring loudly as the promised Messiah is brought into the world. 


Take some time to reflect on the birth of Jesus. What characteristics of God shine through for you? 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


God’s Glory Through Jesus as a Child


God’s Glory Through Mary