God’s Glory Through The Prophets Part four

Micah 4:1-7, Zephaniah 3:16-20, Joel 2:28-29

So far, we have read excerpts from the three major prophets, and now have read some from the minor prophets. The only difference is not their status of prophets, it's the length of each prophecy in the bible. God uses each prophet to speak his word boldly and truthfully, and some are just shorter than others! 

The Minor prophets range from prophecies to Israel, Judah, post-exile Israel, and the remnant of Israel. In all of them, they talk about the judgment of Israel. If you are rusty on your OT history, let me fill you in on the main patterns of all humanity from the beginning of time until now. Humans are FICKLE, and we easily forget our God. It’s easy to read the stories of Israel and judge them because over and over again, they make a covenant with God, forget his good mercy, and in turn, leave to worship idols they make out of whatever they can find. Dumb, right? But we do this too. We forget the gospel EVERY DAY and easily turn to our grades, relationships, awards, money, laziness, and phones to seek the good satisfying love and identity we long for that can only be found in Christ. 

Here is what I love about the minor prophets, after a thorough rebuking, many of them declare that the Lord will gather the nations. They will no longer live in their shame. They will no longer be apart of the Most High God, but they will dwell with him, and they will rejoice in his presence and worship him because he is worthy of all praise. 

But what does this have to do with Jesus and Christmas?

Jesus’ birth and his coming to this world is the beginning of the most beautiful climax of the story. He came to reconcile those very nations to God. Without Jesus, that picture of the nations worshiping the Lord Most High can never happen. It is only through his life, death, and resurrection that we are reconciled and the promises declared in these prophesies are fulfilled! That access to God, the ability to walk confidently in the throne for all tribes, tongues, and nations, is given through the blood of Jesus split covering us. When we walk into his throne room, God doesn’t see our dirty rags but the white robes of righteousness that belong to Jesus - given freely to all who he chooses and has created in his name and for his glory. 

So, during this Christmas season, let us rejoice in the story of God coming down to earth so that the gospel is made true. That reconciliation has come, and we are free to enter into his throne confidently clothed in the righteous one who was born in a manger. 

What keeps us from walking into the throne room?
How can you worship the God who gathered you from the ends of the earth?


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God’s Glory Through our Feelings & Circumstances


God’s Glory Through the Prophets Part three