Ephesians 2-4

As we conclude our study on the spiritual gifts, let's return to the text where Paul exhorts the Ephesian church to use them. Today, we will be reading the two chapters before this exhortation in order to better understand the context of Paul's words.

As you read or listen to this text, pay attention to the theme of unity. What phraseology does Paul use to describe the unity of the church? In a journal jot down some of the words, images, and metaphors Paul uses when he writes about unity. Take some time to meditate on one or two that stick out to you. 

In the context of this letter, there was some serious strife in the community. The differences of the Jewish and Gentile believers was leading this church community to become factioned. But Paul knows that this was not Jesus’ desire for his people. Though these two groups had some baggage, they are still called to be unified in the same way that citizens of the same country are unified, or that a family is unified (2:19), or that a structure is unified (2:21), or that a body is unified (4:4). 

And while we might not have the exact same religious and ethnic divisions present in the Ephesian church, each of us, in our sinful nature, has the capacity to hold prejudices against and exclude those who are different from us. The message of the gospel as communicated by Paul in this text teaches us that our diverse skills, gifts, and backgrounds should be used together to build up the church. Whether we like it or not, we (the Church) “are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” (2:22) 

Building up the church using our gifts takes sacrifice. This image of giving a gift at one’s own expense for the good of another is a clear echo back to the way Jesus sacrificially gave us the gift of his life. When we use our gifts to serve our community, we are living out both the reconciling unity and the sacrifice of Jesus.

Living in this way will require some intentional choices on your part and on my part. If you feel the spirit prompting you to use your gifts at a greater capacity, make a plan to do so. Share this plan with believers around you, and ask your village leader, gathering leaders, or staff how you can serve using the gifts God has given you. May we be a people enthusiastic to use whatever we have to do whatever we can to build up our community. 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


James 3