Power of Prayer

“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.”

Romans 8:5-8

The battle is here and now. You have clothed yourself in the armor of God, adorning your head with the helmet of salvation, your torso with the breastplate of righteousness, your waist with the belt of truth, your feet strapped into the shoes of readiness, the shield of faith in your right hand, and the sword of the Spirit in your left. You look ready, you feel ready, but are you truly ready if you don’t know who you’re fighting against or what you’re fighting for?

Before a military general sends his soldiers to war, he communicates a strategy, a plan of attack, uniting his squadron around a common goal and a common enemy. Prior to entering the battle of the day’s temptations, you must know the truth, who you are fighting for, and what you’re fighting against. Talking frequently with God isn’t a suggestion, but vital to dependence and victory in His name. 

You can wear the most pristine armor in the world, but if you’re swinging your sword at the wrong target, it may just feel like it’s all for nothing. In order to clearly see the lies the enemy is fighting you to believe in, you must be aware of the ultimate truth found in the Word of God alone. Become entirely reliant on the Holy Spirit, praying often, asking Him to lead your steps and guide your heart, revealing to you any misaligned pieces of your heart with the mission of Christ. Truthfully, we must be more than allies, we must be fully reliant on Him to resist any attack, for we already have victory in Jesus’ name. Prayer helps align the believer with the vision of the battle. Fall down on your knees before your King in reverence and reliance, acknowledging that you must know the voice of the leader of the battle in which you’re fighting. Familiarize yourself with God's voice, His ways, and His Word. Standing firmly in truth lends to unity amongst the army of believers taking a stance against the deception of the enemy. 

The enemy attacks us, the word of God, the Church, and ultimately truth. If we can be deceived into believing the lies of the enemy and take them on as our own personal truth, we will have lost the battle on Earth, and might find ourselves choosing Hell over eternity with Jesus in Heaven as a result of our disillusionment. If the enemy can twist the truth in your mind, you’ll start believing that sex outside of marriage is not that bad, getting drunk is okay because everyone does it, abortion is a human right, and that we can alter our bodies and identities to be whoever we feel like being that day rather than who God intentionally created us to be. Pray often, pray without ceasing, and “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests” (Ephesians 6:18). We should always be spiritually alert, but not frightened by our reality, letting God be our ultimate protection and our unwavering peace.


Sword of Truth