Aurora Lakey

Multiplier + Site admin | Pocatello team

When I was 9 years old my family moved to Meridian, ID where my parents decided that we would find a church to attend regularly. We chose this particular church because of a Wednesday night program called AWANA. It was one of those Wednesday nights that I eventually gave my life to Christ. I carried my faith with me through the next few years, but only casually. My freshman year of college I left my church community for a new city where, for the first time, I had to choose for myself how much to let Jesus be Lord of my life. I struggled to find a church for the entirety of that year until my pastor from back home sent me the number of a girl who would be church planting at ISU in the coming fall. When I came back to school that fall she invited me to Sunday gatherings and to hang out throughout the week. Despite wanting so badly to be connected to a community, I said no a lot out of fear. She kept pursuing me however and I began to experience discipleship and community like I never had before. Over the next few years I was consistently pushed to step out of a faith that was comfortable and into an obedient life, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

In my job,I pursue student girls and encourage them to live boldly in their faith because someone did that for me. My main goal in leading these girls is to teach them how to become disciple makers themselves. My desire is to multiply myself through these girls so that the Gospel can be spread further than just through me. I hope to see lives transformed by Christ here at ISU, not because of my own influence directly, but because of the girls that I’ve led. It’s beautiful how God has created us each in a unique way to better build the Kingdom. Getting to not only interact with girls that are different than I am, but also see them be a part of the body in a way that I never could is one of my favorite parts of my job.

College is a vastly unique experience in which everyone is trying to figure out who they are, what they want to do, and who they want to surround themselves with. As a student, I didn’t begin to figure any of this out until I was pursued by someone who taught me what Jesus was asking of my life. Now I get to do that with the girls that I disciple and watch them grow into women rooted in what God says about them. Besides this, the thing that makes me the most excited about living in Pocatello is the potential. Those that would say they want to live in this city are few and far between, but God is still working here and I get to be a part of that. So many people see Pocatello as a city that they have to live in for a few years, but I see it as a space where people are discovering the direction that the rest of their life is going. 

I’m currently working to transition from part time to full time so that all of my time can be dedicated to on campus ministry. Financial supporters help to make this transition possible. It is a joy to partner with people in this way because it is encouraging to know that others feel as passionately about what I am doing as I do. I believe that these are partnerships engineered by God and are a result of His faithfulness to provide for my life and this ministry.

Connect with Aurora online: Instagram