Brian Piñon

GRAPHIC DESIGN LEAD | network team

I grew up being very involved in the church where I was raised. My mom was the secretary for the church, me and my sister assumed the role of leadership with each passing school transition and in high school I was the janitor. My life was full of church events and activities but Jesus was missing. I thought that being a Christian and following Jesus was about attending every event and climbing the church ladder of leadership. I came to college being burnt out on all the church activity and was looking for a break. I planned on finding a church to attend but not to be deeply connected to or else I’d end up being up to my nose in discipleship groups, community building and set up and tear down on Sunday’s. With this mindset going into move-in at the University of Idaho, I was invited to a BBQ at a park that very night and I decided to go because my roommate was going and he was the first person I met and connected with on campus. We both showed up and immediately dived into conversation with the people there who weren’t drinking beer, but canned soda from WinCo. I was towed from one person to the next, being poured into and pursued by people I had just met, most of them a year or two older than me. By the end of the night, I learned that most of the people I talked to were Christians who went to Resonate Church and deeply cared about Jesus. After that initial interaction, I learned that they had an understanding of Jesus that I didn’t, even after growing up in the church. They knew him and talked about him like he was their best friend and I wanted that deeply. The man who led me that year began inviting me into discipleship and I said yes to everything he offered. 

There are two primary things that I do day-to-day. One part of my job is to create graphics, signage and visual material for all of our church plants. I develop, adapt and uphold Resonate’s visual identity and communicate who we are through our graphics and design choices. The other part of my job is leading a team of creative staff members and volunteers. I meet with them weekly and help them tackle projects, sharpen their skills and help them explore how they can use their gifts for the kingdom now and in the future. My hopes in this role are also twofold. I hope to continue to develop the way that our church communicates to the world through its design and visual identity and create processes that allow us to effectively source our designs to an exponentially expanding organization. I also hope to create a team of designers that feel like family and help push and encourage each other to grow and live into our giftings.

Financial supporters help me by keeping my creative softwares running, keeping me running with caffeine and my team with a tenacity to grow and serve God with their gifts. By supporting me, you allow other staff members in our church to be on campus meeting students while I create announcement slides for events those staff will invite them to. In a digital world, people care about what things look like and the assets that me and my team create are often peoples first interaction with our church.