Chyenne WISniewski

Multiplier | MOscow team

My story begins with some awesome influences who led me to Jesus - my mama, my family, and my best friend Riss. I officially decided to follow Jesus at Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp in middle school, but truly, I don’t think I was ever without God in my life. He was slowly but surely molding me into who I am today. Flash forward to freshman year of college, where my roommate Lexi was moved into the dorms by two people on Resonate Staff, Brittany and Juan. I got connected immediately, started serving on the worship team and leading a huddle and Village that next year. Through college I got to experience God increasing my faith as I said yes to Him time and time again. I spent a summer in San Diego at our discipleship program “Elevate” with some of my very best friends, spent my college days discipling women staying up too late doing homework, spent a semester studying architecture abroad in Rome, and came onto Resonate Staff.

College is a key moment for so many people where we decide what we will do with our lives and who we will become. My passion is to encourage His people to step forth in faith to hop on the best ride of their lives. To say no to controlling their life and yes to following our Lord with everything!

I desire for others to see their purpose and to make decisions in college that will allow them to have the most fulfilling life possible in Jesus Christ. I desire to shepherd women to have joy in Christ and in their giftings and to nourish unity in God’s church for the accomplishment of God’s mission.

Connect with Chyenne online: Facebook | Instagram