Our DT groups are designed to draw us closer to God, the Word, and one another in community. One of the best ways to learn is to read with others, process what God is saying to you, and apply it to your life. DT groups are designed with just that!

Are you interested in starting a DT Group? Click here to see what that would look like.



1. Meet weekly for about an hour. If you can meet multiple times a week, even better. Suggested group size is 3-5 people.


2. If you aren’t sure where to start, use the DT Tool as a guide. Answer the questions with your disciple in mind and the flow chart will lead you to some scripture passages to read through with your DT group

3. Teach the key. This tried and true huddle shape will help the whole DT group start on the same page. If they are new to Resonate, it may be helpful to walk through the Kairos Circle as well.


4. Meet together outside of DT time. Life on life is the secret sauce. As you engage the bible with one another, make sure to spend time doing other things as well. Go grocery shopping, make a meal together, figure out ways to be a regular part of your disciples lives.

5. Prep before you meet together. It’s important that you take the time to understand what you are reading. Research the context, background and cultural differences of the passages you are reading. Commentaries and study bibles are a great resource for this. If you need additional help, ask your site pastor or huddle leader.


6. Prepare questions to prompt conversation.  As the DT group leader it is helpful to have some questions in your back pocket in case conversation lags. Some examples could be:

  • What is God saying to you?

  • What does this passage teach you about God?

  • Is anything in this passage confusing?

  • What stood out to you in this passage?

  • Did you learn anything new in our reading today?