Exodus 17

Exodus 17 

All the way back in Exodus 2, we see the reason Moses was named; it was because they drew him out of water. Now in Exodus 17, we see this coming to life in a new way. He is bringing water to the people of Israel who were brought out of the wilderness. Was it Moses' fault they ran out of water? Nope. God uses Moses to bring the Israelites into awe and wonder of how God provides. 

Although, when we think about Moses' name, there is a fulfillment of the promise that is found. The man who was brought out of the water is now bringing water to others. We also see this common theme in Jesus, who is the living water. Now Jesus' reference to being the living water in John 4 is just as clear of a miracle as God bringing water from a rock. The pouring of his love for us from our hardened hearts is a very common but also a great miracle (John 3:16) and one that, in moments, is equally as difficult to do. 

Water is a necessary source of life that is urgent. We don’t have it for too long, and we can’t exist. God’s provision through Moses, he gives water to the needy through a rock. Through God’s provision in Jesus, he is our source of life that will never run out. 


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Exodus 18


Exodus 16