Exodus 28

Exodus 28

Purple and Gold represent kings, royalty, rarity, and value. Historically these colors were worn by people in positions of honor. There is no mistake that these colors are used here as aspects of the outfits of the Priests. 

We know that Jesus paid our debt so that we could be right with God (1 Peter 2:24). Along with this, as believers, we know that all we do is to glorify God (Romans 11:36). God shows these ideas coming together as he through Moses details the intricate design of priestly clothing. 

The Priests were to be the only ones to enter the presence of God in the Holy of Holies (Hebrews 9:7). Once a year, they were to enter the presence of God, beyond the veil, and seek the forgiveness and cleansing of the Israelite people. They represented the atonement of their people on an annual basis. They couldn’t just enter into any status; however, they were to honor and glorify God even in the way they dressed. The purple, gold, blue, fine stones, and metals, all assembled together to create a garment meant for a King. But the priest wasn’t the King; the Lord always was. It points to something God is doing behind the scene. God designs how His people live in a way that leads directly to His own glory. When reading this chapter should be a boring chapter regarding outdated styles of clothing. We should see it as a beautiful design of how our Lord looks to turn our eyes to him, honor himself, and love us along the way. In the New Testament, Jesus calls us to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth, to glorify him. But secretly, this is a loving call on our life that allows us to partner with our creator and see His wonderful hand at work. His design and call for our lives lead us to glorify him and to receive his love and best for us. 

Thank God that we no longer have to send a priest once a year to be right with God. Jesus has come and paid it all, we are free in Christ. Now though, as mentioned, we live to glorify God. Now, this does not mean you should purchase fine stones and garments and present yourself in a high-end wardrobe to God. But it calls to the lifestyle we should look to live. In all things you do, are you looking to glorify God? It is likely that you do in some ways, but not all. Take some time to reflect on how you can live for God's glory in a more complete way. 

When we live for Him, we glorify him and receive the fulfilling fruit of his perfect design. 


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Exodus 29


Exodus 27