Exodus 26

Exodus 26 

Have you ever looked at the details of a flower? Each one has a unique set of petals, each stem holding a different shape and purpose. Some flowers shout loudly with bright colors and large blooms, while others flourish closer to the ground, quietly proclaiming their beauty. Each piece of the creation is uniquely and intentionally made, each holding a different purpose and place in our environment. 

God is the author of creation; He knows every detail about everything on this Earth. As we read today's chapter, savor the details. God makes no mistakes; each detail has a purpose. The Tabernacle was to be the place where God’s presence would dwell and sin could be atoned for. God wanted to be near His people, and the Tabernacle was how that would be possible. 

I love what Jon Bloom says about this chapter, “God always provides direction, resources, and ability.” God wanted to be near His people, so He showed them how to build His dwelling place so He could be with them. Even today, God speaks to and guides us through our lives. Does God have great plans for redeeming the world and the best part? He wants us to join Him. The God of creation is inviting you and me to be part of the greatest story ever told. If He would put so much thought into a flower that blooms one day and withers another, how much more thought, direction, and care will He put toward your life? 

As you reflect on today’s reading, spend some time asking God how He wants you to use your time, talents, and treasures for His glory. Make a note to talk to your huddle leader about these things at your next meeting.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Exodus 27


Exodus 25