February 13, 2021
Now that Joseph and his family are reunited, Pharaoh has to approve of them to live there. We read that Pharaoh not only allows them to stay in the land, but he places them in the best of the land and offers them…
February 12, 2021
“And he wept aloud, so that the Egyptians heard it, and the household of Pharaoh heard it” (Genesis 45:2). Joseph lived a life founded on a deep trust in the Lord. So much so that he readily forgave his brothers who…
February 11, 2021
You can probably think of one or more experiences where you have learned from a mistake you’ve made. It can make us feel better, but it can’t make us feel whole. When thinking about our sermon series…
February 10, 2021
The story of Joseph starts to come full circle in chapter 42. With Egypt doing well in the midst of a region wide famine, thanks to God and Joseph's management, everyone heads to Egypt to get food, including…
February 9, 2021
Our world is broken, and it feels like now more than ever, creation is collectively groaning out for salvation. No matter what we do, we can’t stop the coronavirus, we can’t provide economic security, we can’t protect…
February 8, 2021
In the last chapter we saw God granting Joseph favor in the eyes of the prison keeper. In the last verse we read that the Lord is with him. It should come to no surprise then when Joseph is appointed to be…
February 6, 2021
Joseph is one of the most honorable men in the bible. He walks away from Potiphar’s wife after her relentless temptation to lie with her. How does he do it so easily? Temptation’s woo’s are strong and…
February 5, 2021
Are we ever amazed how God can use sometimes the most ungodly or horrible situations and use them for his glory? The bible explains countless situations where God’s glory is seen through turmoil, deceit, or…
February 4, 2021
I recently watched the video made by the Veggie Tales on the life of Joseph. They displayed Joseph as an innocent, kind and amazing young child who did nothing wrong and that his brothers were…
February 3, 2021
After reading about the tragedy that happened in the land of Shechem yesterday, this chapter feels like a relief. If you didn’t notice, God isn’t mentioned once in the all of chapter 34, but today He is…
February 2, 2021
This chapter is one of the most sad and shameful chapters of the old testament. It is full of evil and brokenness. First a Hivite man named Shechem violates one of Jacob’s daughters, Dinah. Then…
February 1, 2021
When we left Jacob and Esau, Esau was shouting death threats towards the running back of Jacob who was fearing for his life.. Now, after Jacob lived a life of deceit only to in turn be faced with the full deceit of…
January 30, 2021
Genesis 30 has set up the scenario that we see executed in Genesis 31. Jacob has heard from the Lord about where he should be, and if he should still be living under Laban (his father in-law). He is told to go…
January 29, 2021
Chapter 30 picks up in the midst of a larger narrative about Jacob and his family. What we see here is that they are a mess. Dysfunction is their primary trait. The first half of the chapter continues to tell of…
January 28, 2021
This chapter brings up many emotions. It’s like you’re watching a bad rom com: the guy sees the girl, falls in love, and has to work for SEVEN years to win her hand. Then comes the morning after the…
January 27, 2021
What Jacob and his mother did to trick Isaac into blessing Jacob was wrong and deceitful, yet God uses it for good and Isaac asks God to bless Jacob in the way that He blessed Abraham. Now as Jacob goes…
January 26, 2021
The saga of Jacob and Esau continues with yet another deceit.
“Your brother came deceitfully, and he has taken away your blessing.” Esau said, “Is he not rightly…
January 25, 2021
Have any of you heard the song “Father Abraham”? It mentions that he has many sons and Genesis 26 focuses on one specifically named Isaac. Isaac was going to be blessed because Abraham obeyed…
January 23, 2021
God loves a good chapter on lineage. Why? Because he loves to show the line of redemption that was always planned. We see God’s plan unfolding through the promise of a son yet to come from…
January 22, 2021
I don’t know about you, but the fact that it is already 2021 and that January is halfway over blows my mind. It seems like just yesterday we were saying goodbye to all of our students as they leave to live out…
January 21, 2021
Today we read about God’s provision. We learned in Genesis 16 about how Hagar runs away from Sarah because of her cruelty. When Sarah and Abraham sent Hagar away for good, she was…
January 20, 2021
Fear and ignorance make for a nasty combination that leads us straight into the grip of sin. We see how fear and ignorance led Abraham to repeat the same…
January 19, 2021
There is a LOT in this chapter to talk about. If you’re like me, it may be overwhelming to read something like this. But one common theme is seen throughout is God’s MERCY. I know what you’re…
January 18, 2021
What would you do if the Lord showed up at your house? Would you make him a meal or take him out to your favorite restaurant? Would it bring you joy to have him visit or dread? Would you show…
January 16, 2021
As we read today’s chapter, there is a lot going on. Abram gets renamed to Abraham, God reminds Abraham that He will make him the father of many and bless him, and God promises him…
January 15, 2021
In this chapter we see Sarai and Abram experience disappointment and distrust in God. God has promised Abram that he will be blessed with offspring as numerous as the stars in the…
January 14, 2021
God is not a feeble god who makes lofty promises. No, he is the Most High God who makes a covenant with a sinful people. A covenant is much more than a contract between two parties. It is a…
January 13, 2021
There seems to be a lot to unpack in this chapter of Genesis. In one aspect, there is a historical narrative being shared with us. During the rebellion of these five kings, the destruction they left was…
January 12, 2021
In Genesis 12 we pick up with Abram whose family was introduced at the end of chapter 11. His family had made a move to a new city and now God calls Abram to make another move. God says…
January 11, 2021
Our world seems extremely divided these days. From differences in COVID restrictions, struggles with race, and different political views. It seems like everyone has a list of who they like and…
January 9, 2021
Genesis 8 & 9 is a monumental moment in the biblical narrative. These chapters mark the Noahic Covenant. The Noahic covenant is the second time that God has made a promise among…
January 8, 2021
In these chapters we read about a broken world and a holy God. It is easy sometimes, especially when reading the Old Testament to get lost or confused or not know what to focus on, but today…
January 7, 2021
Adam and Eve have disobeyed, allowing the seeds of sin to settle in the shambles of the fallen world. Adam and Eve then had their sons, Cain and Abel. Two brothers; one led to apathetic worship and…
January 6, 2021
You know it, you’ve heard of it, you have probably heard teaching on it many times. For some this chapter may seem like reading what we already know. As you read this chapter a couple times over you can…
January 5, 2021
The scene depicted in Genesis 2 is delightful. God’s creativity on full display as the details of the making of his image bearers unfolds. This picture of God and humanity is such a stark contrast from…
January 4, 2021
In the beginning, the stage is set and we see God at the center. His intentionality, power and purpose are all on display as He uniquely forms the world. Free from problems, and full of promise, we see a world…
February 15, 2021
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good to bring it about that many people should be kept alive as they are today.” Genesis 50:20
We read the entire book of…