Genesis 30

Chapter 30 picks up in the midst of a larger narrative about Jacob and his family.  What we see here is that they are a mess.  Dysfunction is their primary trait.  The first half of the chapter continues to tell of all the children, mostly sons, that Jacob has… and through that, all the conflict that it stirs between his wives.  Rachel is loved, but she is barren.  Leah has lots of boys but is not favored by her husband. They both resort to using midwives to deal with their barren seasons and in the end of these messy affairs, Jacob has a lot of kids.  

The second half of the chapter we see Jacob preparing to leave and bargaining with Laban again.  As this plays out the two cunning tricksters, who without a doubt had a hard time trusting each other, try to outwit each other with their deal making and animal breeding operations.  In the end, Jacob has a lot of healthy goats.

There’s no resolution to the conflicts that we see in Genesis 30 yet.  It’s merely continuing the trend of family relational conflict that goes all the way back to Cain and Able and will continue on for many chapters to come.  

Through all of this, as these characters are mean and shady and bitter and jealous, we see one that is true:  God.  The promise he made to Abraham, that his family would be like sand and stars, is beginning to seem plausible. Jacob has more sons that you can put in a minivan.  And he’s become quite wealthy in the currency of the day: goats.  Despite everyone’s brokenness God is faithful, even using their bad decisions to bring about fruit.  To God be the glory.As you read through all of these conflicting relationships maybe you identify with some of them.  The Lord desires for us to seek reconciliation, with Him and with each other.  Know that he has done all the heavy lifting to make reconsitation with Him possible.  We need only to repent and believe.  To reconcile with each other can be scary, but remember as you pursue that reconciliation He is faithful and true and we can trust Him and be obedient even when we have trouble trusting each other.


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Genesis 31


Genesis 29