Genesis 34

This chapter is one of the most sad and shameful chapters of the old testament. It is full of evil and brokenness. First a Hivite man named Shechem violates one of Jacob’s daughters, Dinah. Then Dinah’s brothers mass murders Shechem and all the males of his family. Through all of this deceit, Jacob, head of the family, sits back passively. 

In ancient Middle Eastern culture there was a strong sense of family honor and what Shechem did to Jacob’s daughter Dinah was very dishonoring. Dinah’s brothers, specifically Simeon and Levi, heard of this disgrace and were angered. Although there is reason for them to be angry, Dinah’s brothers unwisely approach the situation. They ask Shechem to circumcise himself and all the males in his family, promising that he can then marry their sister Dinah. This excited Shechem and his family, because Shechem “delighted in Jacob’s daughter” and they enjoyed the idea of joining their families together in terms of land and trade (vs. 19). When all of Shechem’s family was circumcised, while they were weak from healing, Simeon and Levi “took their swords and came against the city while it felt secure and killed all the males” (vs. 25). 

Although what Shechem did was wrong, murder is never a part of God’s design. Now Jacob saw all of this and did nothing to help his daughter Dinah and yet he yells at Simeon and Levi for the sin they committed. Sin breeds sin. We see that Shechem’s sin leads to the sin of Simeon and Levi and even of Jacob. Only God can bring life to brokenness.

This is not a pleasant story. But through this story I am reminded of my own sinfulness and brokenness. I am reminded that we are all in need of a Savior. In Romans 5:8 we are reminded of God’s love for us “in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God uses us, as sinful humans, to bring about His kingdom and He won’t ever give up on us, no matter how many times we disobey and disappoint Him. Jacob, Simeon, and Levi were also God’s children and God didn’t give up on them. He continued to shape their story and even bring Jesus to the world through their family line. May this be a reminder that God is not done with you yet and no matter what your past holds, He still offers His grace through His Son Jesus.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Genesis 35


Genesis 32-33