We know that the Lord has been working in the United Kingdom for quite some time, and we see no evidence that this will not be the case in the future. When thinking about missions shifting towards the global city, London is the perfect example of God already at work bringing the nations to urban areas. In 2019, Oxford estimated that over 9.5 million people living in England were born outside of the UK. We also see in the UK that there are one million people who speak little to no English. There is no doubt why London is often called “The Capital of the World”.

  • The unreached peoples of the world are accessible and eager to talk about spiritual things 

  • Approaches to evangelism and discipleship to be used in the UK mirror what we currently do

  • Compelling invite by local students to plant on their campus affirms the Lord's leading

  • Opportunity for collaboration and shared learning between our North America and United Kingdom church plants

  • God is at work in the UK, and is inviting us to join Him there

Why The United Kingdom

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The Future of Global church planting

Over the last decade, the landscape of global missions has shifted. It used to be that in order to reach the unreached peoples of the world, the North American missionary had to make the choice to move to where they lived. This happened, and thousands answered the call to take the gospel to the hard to reach places of the world and churches were planted. Today, due in part to things such as geopolitical tension, governmental changes, hostility towards American people, increased hostility to Christianity, and even a pandemic, North American church planters now face new difficulties in going to the difficult to reach places of the world.

God is sovereign, and what we are experiencing is that He is bringing the unreached peoples found in the difficult to reach place to the Global City. In 2050, two-thirds of the world’s population will have migrated from rural settings and will now be found in the urban centers of the world. The future of Resonate Global is the Global City.

Imagine reaching someone from an unreached people group in a global city such as London. He or she is discipled by the church, and as she returns to her hometown, whether for vacation or to live, she begins to share the gospel with her family and friends. The gospel takes root and through those disciples a new church is birthed. This is what is happening through the planting of churches in Global Cities.

Why the Global City?

  • Church planters sent from the North American church are finding it increasingly difficult to live, let alone minister, in the last frontier places of mission.

  • God is bringing people from the last frontier places to the Global Cities of the world.

  • Churches in Global Cities have a unique opportunity to reach, disciple, and send church planters back into the last frontier places of mission that they came to the Global City from.

  • The Global City will continue to be the place where the last frontiers of the world migrate to (for education, jobs, opportunities not found at home, etc).