Choosing to Love

Hosea 7:4-16, Psalms 139:23-24, John 3:16

God’s honesty is on display in the book of Hosea. In verse four the author calls all of Israel adulterers. This is not only speaking to Gomer who is unfaithful to her husband or Israel as a whole, but also to us today. Like Gomer being unfaithful to Hosea, we have all been unfaithful to God. We have all rebelled and fallen short of His glory. We all, at times, disobey the Spirit within us, trying to lead us in the everlasting way and go our own way or do our own thing. We hear God speak to us, yet we don’t listen and view our way as higher than His. 

When we place our trust in God and proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior it doesn’t mean we will never struggle with sin again. Being in a relationship with God is a constant choice just as a friendship or relationship with a significant other is. We have to wake up and choose to read our Bible. We have to choose to pray and spend time with Him. We have to choose to ask the Spirit to convict us and lead us in the way everlasting. God never promised that it would be easy, but He gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us. 

Read through Hosea 7:4-16 and imagine the author is speaking to you. We are the adulterers. We are the ones who have fallen short. We deserve God’s wrath. 

Now remind yourself of the gospel. God loves us so much that even while we were counted as enemies, He sent His Son to live the perfect life that we could never live and die the death that we deserve. Jesus rose from the grave, defeating death, so that if we proclaim Him as Lord and Savior over our lives we can be given eternal life. Praise God for His love for us! Praise God that He gives us His living Spirit to live in us. We were not meant to do life on our own. We were not meant to battle temptation on our own. Press into community and allow them to carry your burdens. Lean into the Spirit and allow Him to convict you and lead you.

Where do you need to repent and believe today? 


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