God’s Saving Grace

Hosea 13:9-16, Hebrews 12:10-11, 2 Peter 3:9

I have a snake plant that sits in the corner of my living room. My son used to pay no attention to it, he would happily ignore it and chase after a toy instead. Recently, he discovered how fun it is to reach his hand into the soil, and throw it all over the carpet. Everyday I am correcting him, reminding him that we don’t touch the plants we just look… It’s exhausting. Some days I feel like I am banging my head against the wall wondering if he will ever learn. 

It’s so hard to fathom God’s patience with us. In this passage we see the cycle of judgement and redemption continue and God is not happy. Israel has sinned against God, and wrath is coming for them. As I read this passage I find myself thinking, “Are you serious God? You’ve told them a million times, they deserve destruction at this point!” And then I am reminded that the little boy throwing dirt and the Israelites running after false Gods are all me. Our hearts are so prone to wander.

Time and time again God is using Hosea to remind His people of the judgement to come for their sin. Our life as believers isn’t free from sin, but we can trust our heavenly Father to discipline us and show us the way that leads to abundant life. In Christ, we no longer have to fear the wrath to come. Our sin has been paid for and we are now viewed, not as enemies of God, but as His children. He disciplines us because He loves us. Sin damages us, His precious children, and like any good father, He wants us to have the best life possible.

Spend time reflecting on who you are in Christ and ask God to remind you of your status as His child. 

  • What does it mean to be a child of God?

  • How is your life affected by your new identity in Christ?


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