It is Better For Jesus to Die

John 11:47-57

This section of John starts with a meeting of the Sanhedrin, the supreme court of ancient Israel. They had heard about the miracles that Jesus was performing and were worried. These men held significant power in Israel and feared Jesus’ growing following and popularity. They knew that if people were to follow Him, it could lead to a loss of power for them, and they were determined to protect themselves.

The Sanhedrin could not deny that Jesus was healing people because many had seen it with their own eyes. So why did they not believe? They were blinded to their sin, as we read in chapter 9:40. How often do we see God do something miraculous and still have difficulty trusting Him and submitting to His leadership in our lives? We are often no better than the Pharisees, who saw Jesus Himself and refused to believe that He was the Messiah.

Caiphas was right when he prophesied that it was better for one man to die for the nation, and even though his motive was not pure, God used it to fulfill His master plan of salvation for the world. Caiphas was concerned with how the death of Jesus could help the Sanhedrin politically, but Jesus’ death accomplished a far greater purpose. He died for people because we deserved the punishment of death for our sins against God, and Jesus died in place of you and me as the ultimate example of His love for us.

This section should lead us to consider how empty religion can be without a relationship with Jesus. The Pharisees knew more of the Bible than most of us, and they saw Jesus in the flesh, yet they still were unwilling to believe that He had come to save them from their empty works by His grace alone. We, too, fill our lives with empty works and get lost in the schedule of our religious activities rather than being filled up daily with the power of Jesus. When we do this, we disregard the exaltation that Jesus deserves and instead sinfully exalt our “good” religious works. The glory goes to us and our pride rather than to our Savior. He came to earth and died on the cross, taking on the punishment for our sins. Then, in the resurrection, Jesus is our only way to get to the Father, and He offers us a free relationship with Him forever. Empty religion has no place in this story, and because of the cross, we are transformed by the power of Jesus daily.

Are there empty works in your life? Repent and ask Jesus to fill you with His power and presence.


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